Family - General Information and Usage
The Public Case Access System provides the public with limited case information, and parties and attorneys of record the ability to view:
- Mediation Reports prepared by Family Court Services
- Findings and Orders After Hearing and Minute Orders for all departments
Getting Access to Your Case
FOR ALL PARTIES AND ATTORNEYS: To get access to your case you must have a Public Case Access account and a participant subscription to each of your cases.
PARTIES: You must file your Family Law Case Participant Enrollment Form - Family Law, along with a copy of your government issued identification, by mail, by placing it in the court drop-box located at the Family Court, or by obtaining a service ticket to file it with the clerk. A separate form must be filed for each case or when you change your email address. Once the form is processed by the court, which takes about three working days, you will receive an email confirming that you have access to your case. You will also receive email notifications when new documents are added to your case and you will be able to view/download these newly added documents free of charge.
ATTORNEYS: You must have an account to access your case. To sign up for an account, go to the Public Case Access site under Online Services on the court’s web. For cases filed after January 1, 2015, you are automatically linked to your case by the court. For cases filed before January 1, 2015, or to unsubscribe to any case, you must file a Family Law Case Participant Enrollment Form - Attorney, by mail, by placing it in the court drop-box located at the Family Court, or by obtaining a service ticket to file it with the clerk. Once the form is processed by the court, which takes about three working days, you will receive an email confirming that you have access.
Viewing Mediation Reports, Findings and Orders After Hearing and Minute Orders
To view documents for your case, you must have both a Public Case Access account and a participant subscription to your case. To create an account and/or participant subscription, please follow the instructions above under Getting Access to your Case. To view your case:
- Click “Log On” at the top of this screen
- Enter your email address and password
- Select "Your Account"
- Select "Your Case Subscriptions"
- Select the "View" button for the case you want to access
- Select the "View" button for the document that you want to access
Mediation Reports prepared by Family Court Services are typically added to your case five days before your hearing and Findings and Orders After Hearing and Minute Orders are typically posted to your case within two hours after your hearing. You must bring a copy of your Mediation Report to your hearing. If your case is not listed under Your Case Subscriptions, you either do not have a subscription to your case, the court has not yet processed your Case Participant Enrollment Form – Family Law, or your form was deficient and is being returned to you unprocessed.
Case documents are displayed in PDF format and may be viewed, saved and printed from this web site using Adobe Acrobat Reader®. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader®, you may download the application for free from Adobe's Web Site.
1 In order to provide electronic public access to court information, Sacramento Superior Court incurs technology development, maintenance, and operational expenses. Pursuant to California Rule of Court 2.506 and Government Code Section 68150(l), the Court may impose fees for the costs of providing access to its electronic records.